LED Display Sign For Bus

LED Display Sign For Bus

LED display sign for bus main use at the front and rear side of the bus , to show the route and advertisement ( rear side ) , it's high brightness makes people can see it clearly from far distance . We are engaged in the manufacturing of LED display sign for bus that is highly efficacious for displaying the information to passengers. It is applied to guide the passengers with the helpful information like route no, destination and description of route by which bus travels for advantages of all-weather work, adapting to various environment, high brightness and easy installation. One bus will be having three displays, one located at the front, another will be adjacent to the front/rear door and at the rear. It can be used to display advertisements, and details of next bus-stop even can announce the next stop.They display messages in various modes including fixed, scroll and alternate mode. They receive display messages and commands from PC, USB port, IR control board even the back office through GPRS connection

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