Front Service LED Displays | Front Replace Module | Front Access LED Display | Front Access LED Screens
Good news: Verypixe newly released indoor front service LED series, click for details
>>With months' hard work, Verypixel once again launch brilliant products to the market—Front Service Series. Verypixel's R&D ability is the back bone of the whole company, and we would love to show this to the whole world.
>>Easy installation and light weight can make it amount in the wall or lift against the wall.
>>Front access design allows making any LED panel available from front side, which is suitable for some special locations where there is no more space for rear maintenance.If can not be watched here, please go to our youtube video.
Front Service Demo
Front Service Advantage
>> These brilliant LED modules allow both front and rear service. They can totally achieve WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get). For example, if you found any failure module in traditional LED screen, you have to spend a lot of time to the rear side to find the fault module and fix it. But if you use a front access LED module, you can just find the failure module immediately and fix it from the front side directly.
>> Front access design allows making any LED panels available from the front side, which is suitable for some special locations where there is no more space for rear maintenance. It can also help to save a lot of spaces.
>> The module fast lock makes it supper easy and fast to assemble & disassemble. It only takes you 8 seconds. With this, you may save a lot of time and labor cost.
>> This former module is in a very light weight, only 1.7kg, which could hang mount the wall or lift more easier.
>> We called it Smartile is because it is fast assembly and available to update/upgrade. that's because all the cabinets are customized and all the range of pixel pitches modules are totally suitable for the cabinet structures.
Front Service Display Applications

Application to
Commercial Ads LED Display
Application to
Perimeter LED Display
Application to
Light Box LED Display
Application to
Double Face LED Display
Front maintenance LED signs is a very advanced LED display products!
Features: Outdoor high resolution, all-weather proof, High brightness with super low power consumption smart structure design and long time proven technology.